PWR GRL "Show Her She Can" PWR WMN Girls Pink Blazer
We are so proud of this collection! As little girls, we looked up to our strong mamas and wanted so badly to be like them, and now your littles can actually do that! If you have a special little PWR GRL in your life that is your BFF this is the PWR WMN blazer for her! And best of all, it comes with ALL of the pockets so that she can carry her crayons, juice packs, rocks, dolls, and anything she may need, just like YOU!
The first model is my 2 year old daughter Sophia! She's a hoot and loves being a part of our photoshoots! She is 36 inches tall and weighs about 26 pounds and wears a 2T. She loves to put little horses, snacks packs, rocks and fake knives 😅 in her pockets (see our reels for an example of her fake kitchen knife obsession).
In the fifth photo is our dear friend's Tasha and Hazim's daughter, Olive. This little precious nugget of joy and cuteness is one year old and wears a 2T that she can comfortably grow into and handle all of her baby business in!