The New Way To WFH

Ok "it's been 84 years" since we all started working from home and we're not complaining at all! It's nice to have so much flexibility to go into the office sometimes and then work from home the rest of the time. My onllllllllly that I don't feel like dressing up as much and that was kinda my favorite part! So i've resolved to look they way I WANT to feel at least 3 times a week. That means I'm going to pamper myself by taking the time to do my makeup, maybe my hair, and I will absolutely be wearing my "Rosé S'il Vous Plaît" work from home set! Listen I said I like to look cute but I neeevvver said I wanted to sacrifice comfort for it, specially when I'm working from home! That's why I LOVE this set, because it low key feels like a fancy PJ set but it looks so glam! Ok so now that i've told you what I'm going to wear when I work from home, let me share some tips on HOW I work from home because listen, I am not a focused person and I day dream like it's my job so I need STRUCTURE to get absolutely anything done! 

womens pink velvet suit set, working from home to ADD

Dress up! Feel your best to do your best!

ways to work from home if you have ADD, pink velvet women's suit set

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